Showing Collections: 451 - 500 of 1870
DuPont Company property maps
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company commonly known as the DuPont Company. It was established in 1802, and began by manufacturing gunpowder, later moving to chemical compounds. The foundations for the Engineering Department were laid in 1902. The department’s purpose was to design and construct high explosives plants, design powder machinery, and create extensions to existing plants. These records consist of seven large blueprint maps showing property lines, utilities, and buildings in the area of the company's Brandywine Works in Wilmington, Delaware.
DuPont Company Repauno Works centennial records
DuPont Company Repauno Works manufactured high-explosive dynamite. The company began as the Repauno Chemical Company on June 7, 1880, by Lammot du Pont (1831-1884), a chemist working for the family business, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, a chemical company that originally produced gunpowder. In 1980, the Repauno Works celebrated its centennial anniversary. This small collection contains materials generated in the process of organizing the centennial celebration of the Repauno Works.
DuPont Company representatives with blasters photograph
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company. The company began with the production of gunpowder. Throughout the 1900s and 1910s, the company shifted its focus away from gunpowder production and towards chemistry innovations. This is a snapshot photograph of DuPont Company representatives in a field with blasters. It shows blasting equipment, dynamite, dynamite boxes, and a camera on a tripod.
DuPont Company Rifle Powder advertisement
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company was established as a black powder manufactory in 1802 by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817) and his son Eleuthère Irénée du Pont (1771-1834). This item is a single adverstiment for DuPont's Rifle Powder.
DuPont Company Savannah River Plant, defense waste processing facility photograph
The Savannah River Plant was built near Aiken, South Caroline, and manufactured plutonium and tritium for the U.S. nuclear program. This item is a color photograph of the architect's rendering.
DuPont Company Seaford Plant photographs and films
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company, which began as a manufacturer of gunpowder in 1802. In 1939, the Seaford Plant was created by the DuPont Company near Seaford, Delaware to be the world’s first nylon plant. Dr. Wallace Hume Carothers (1896-1937) first produced Nylon at the DuPont Experimental Station in 1935. After determining that low-cost production was possible, the DuPont Company set out to build a plant to produce its first product, women's nylon hosiery. Seaford lost many of its first male employees to the war effort, but female workers oversaw the production of nylon for parachutes and B-29 bomber tires. After World War II, the plant was an important part of the DuPont Company’s textile fiber program. One of the production units was converted into a pilot plant in 1948 for “Fiber X”, later to be introduced as Dacron. In the mid-1980s, DuPont began downsizing at the plant and by 2003, sold its synthetic fiber division Invista, to Koch Industries, Inc. in a deal that included the Seaford plant. This collection documents nylon production at the DuPont Company Seaford plant in Seaford, Delaware. It contains photographs, negatives, pamphlets, two 16mm films and one VHS videocassette. The photographs and negatives document the exterior, employees, production of Nylon and miscellaneous activities at the Seaford plant and products created from nylon. The pamphlets were made by the DuPont Company and cover subjects such as world trade, research and pollution control. One pamphlet is specifically about the Seaford nylon plant. The film “Seaford Plant Start-Up” and film transfer on videocassette, document the opening of the plant on November 1, 1939 as well as some production when the plant opened on December 12, 1939.
DuPont Company Seaford Plant records
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company that began as a gunpowder manufacturer in 1802. In 1939, the DuPont Company created the Seaford Plant near Seaford, Delaware, to be the world's first nylon plant. The bulk of the records in this collection relate to the planning of the Seaford Plant's 50th anniversary celebration events; however, there is a small amount of documentation related to the introduction of nylon, as well as operation and wage statistics from the 1940s through the 1960s that would be of interest to researchers interested in textiles, manufacturing, or labor practices.
DuPont Company South San Francisco Plant photographs
DuPont Company South San Francisco Plant manufactured and packaged DuPont finishes such as Lucite paint, Duco laquers and Dulux enamels. The plant began operation in 1935. The collection consists of photographs, films and ephemera from the DuPont Company South San Francisco Plant.
DuPont Company telephone operators photomontage
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company. This item is a photomontage of five images, each image depicts a group of women working in a small telephone operator room.
DuPont Company Textile Fabrics Department videotapes, photographs, slides and promotions
The Textile Fibers Department of the DuPont Company, established in 1936 as the Rayon Department, specialized in researching and developing synthetic fibers for fabrics such as Rayon, Nylon, Teflon, Corian, and Kevlar. This collection primarily contains video tapes (VHS and U-Matic). Most of the content on the VHS videotapes are different than that on the U-Matic videotapes, there are a few duplicate videos that are in both formats. The videotapes content are employee training videos related to management, customer service and safety, as well as, informational videos about product and services, company history and events. Additionally the collection contains photographs, slides, advertising and promotional materials.
DuPont Company Textile Fibers Department photograph album
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly known as the DuPont Company. DuPont's Advertising Department was formed in September 1921, when the company was reorganized with a decentralized structure. The Advertising Department was responsible for assisting the company in promoting and advertising the work of the other departments, including the Textile Fibers Department. The Textile Fibers Department of the DuPont Company was established in 1936 as the Rayon Department, which specialized in researching and developing synthetic fibers for fabrics. This photograph album highlights the facilities and processes of the DuPont Company's synthetic textile fibers manufacturing and research. The album was likely created by the Advertising Department between 1945 and 1968. Each photograph is accompanied by text describing the image. The album is divided into seven sections: Nylon, Orlon, Dacron, Acetate, Lycra, Chestnut Run, and All Fibers.
DuPont Company Textile Fibers Product Information photographs
In 1952, the DuPont Company organized a Product Information section within the Public Relations Department. Its main purpose was to create news releases accompanied by photographs that would be run editorially by trade journals and newspapers to create inexpensive publicity and indirect advertising. This collection consists of the Fabric master files and Textile reference files maintained by the Product Information Department. The majority of the photographs in the Fashion master files are posed fashion images featuring women modeling clothing made from DuPont synthetic fibers. There are images that feature children’s and men’s clothing as well. The fashion categories have been used as subseries and are as follows: Children and teens; Dress wear; Exports; Home furnishing; Home sewing/fashion fabrics; Hosiery; Intimate apparel; Italian couture; Knit wear; Men’s wear; New York couture; Paris couture; Sportswear/activewear; Swimwear; Touring kits; and Uniforms. Textile reference files contain press releases organized by fiber and then chronologically. The subseries are: Acetate, Dacron, Lycra, Multi-Fibers, Nylon, Orlon, Rayon, Reemay and Zepel.
DuPont Company's 150th-anniversary miscellany
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont Company. In 1952, the DuPont Company celebrated its 150th anniversary. The collection contains miscellany issued as part of the celebration, including invitations, programs, and newsletters. There are some materials related to the planning of the event, the ceremony, and policies for employee attendance.
DuPont Company's Chestnut Run Laboratories albums
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company, established in 1802. DuPont's Chestnut Run Laboratories was opened in 1954 near Wilmington, Delaware. This collection consists of two albums documenting the history of the Chestnut Run facility between 1954 and 1961. One album contains primarily photographs taken of the facilities exteriors between 1955 and 1958. The second album contains mostly newspaper clippings between 1954 and 1961.
DuPont Company's Fabrikoid Division staff group portraits
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company, established in 1802. In 1910, the DuPont Company purchased the Fabrikoid Company of Newburgh, New York, which had developed a textile coating process. This collection consists of two copy photographs showing groups of employees outside.
DuPont Company's Lavoisier Library photographs
Lavoisier Library is the library at the DuPont Company's Experimental Station, a large industrial research facility focused on innovative advancements in chemistry located in Wilmington, Delaware. The Lavoisier Library was established in 1917. This collection consists of images from the DuPont Company's Lavoisier Library: primarily of employees and interior views of the library. There are materials that document the history of the organization of the library, the development of the physical building, and library employee's work. There are a few group and individual photographs of DuPont Company employees.
DuPont Company's Public Relations photographs
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company. Founded in 1802, the company began with the production of gunpowder. This collection contains 27 photographs of various du Pont family members, family gravestones, DuPont employees (groups), cartoons related to the DuPont company, and exterior views of acquired company buildings.
DuPont-Conoco acquisition records
In the summer of 1981, a four-way bidding war errupted over the control of Conoco Inc., the world's ninth-largest oil company. These records consist of the various formal tender offers made for Conoco Inc.
DuPont Corfam® photographs
Corfam® was a synthetic substitute for leather. Collection consists of photographs related to the development and manufacture of DuPont's Corfam® synthetic leather at the Newburgh, New York Corfam® pilot plant and research facility.
DuPont Corporate Plans records
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont Company. The DuPont Corporate Plans Department is primarily responsible for coordinating all of the company’s strategic business planning activities. The records of DuPont Corporate Plans are fragmentary in nature and document only a small segment of the department’s responsibilities. These records are arranged into two series: Multi-client reports and Silverstone tracking study. The bulk of the material is contained in Series I and consists of multi-client reports, which are marketing studies prepared by outside consulting firms.
DuPont Duco-Dulux advertising and sales aid
Chemists at DuPont’s Parlin, New Jersey laboratory produced a pyroxylin lacquer in 1920 called Viscolac and improved upon it in the following years and renamed it Duco. In the late 1920s Dulux was developed, which was an alkyd finish and had a higher gloss finish; a matte version of Dulux was also developed. This collection is a packet of advertising and sales aids for dealers of DuPont Duco and Dulux paints and finishes.
DuPont External Affairs records
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont Company. The External Affairs Department of the DuPont Company was created on January 1, 1986 by the merger of the Marketing Communications and Public Affairs departments. The records of DuPont External Affairs are divided into two series that reflect the department's principal functions--advertising and public affairs. A large portion of the collection consists of retail sales profiles and trend reports that include background information, research proposals, cost estimates, survey questionnaires, and related correspondence.
DuPont Fabrikoid portfolio, sales promotion and development illustrations
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company. In 1910, the DuPont Company purchased the Fabrikoid Company of Newburgh, New York, which had developed a textile coating process. This item is a portfolio of separate pages with two photographs per page placed in a folder made of blue Fabrikoid. The photographs illustrate Fabrikoid, a DuPont Company artificial leather material, used as upholstery and in a variety of commercial and residential interior applications.
DuPont Information Systems records
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont Company. DuPont Information Systems is a department of the DuPont Company that facilitates the adaptation of increasingly complex equipment and improved programming techniques, selects those with the greatest applicability to the company’s business, and guides other departments in their use. The records of DuPont Information Systems are incomplete and reflect only a portion of the department’s activities. These records are arranged in three series: Central Information Services Division; Planning and Development Division; and Telecommunications and network technology.
DuPont Merck Pharmaceuticals Company files
DuPont Merck Pharmaceutical Company was a pharmaceutical research and manufacturing plant formed in 1991 through the joint venture of the DuPont Pharmaceutical Company and Merck & Co., a leading competitor in the pharmaceutical industry. The records consist of items taken from the files of Josephine K. Baker, clinical research coordinator. They are primarily the sort of materials issued to employees, including annual and quarterly reports and employee newsletters.
DuPont Motors, Inc. factory photographs
Du Pont Motors, Inc. was a manufacturing company of luxury automobiles, founded by E. Paul du Pont (1887-1950) in 1919 in Wilmington, Delaware. The company originally produced marine engines during World War I. These photographs show exterior views of the vacant Du Pont Motors factory in Moore, Pennsylvania, where briefly (1922-1925) Du Pont automobiles were assembled.
DuPont office workers group portrait
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company. The company was established in 1802 by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours and his son Eleuthère Irénée du Pont the company began with the production of gunpowder. This item is an outdoor group portrait of DuPont Company employees, apparently posed on the front porch and steps of the company office in the Hagley Powder Yards.
DuPont-Pathe tinted positive film samples
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company. The company was established in 1802 and began with the production of gunpowder. Throughout the 1900s and 1910s, the company shifted its focus away from gunpowder production and towards chemistry innovations. During the 1910s, the DuPont Company decided to enter the film and photographic supply market. In 1924, it entered into a joint venture with Pathé Exchange, called DuPont-Pathé Film Manufacturing Corporation. This collection consists of a booklet with seven short strips of tinted 35mm motion picture film stock.
DuPont Performance Coatings' Jeff Gordon advertising campaign records
DuPont Performance Coatings, Inc. produces and researches advanced automotive coatings and finishes products. In 1993, capitalizing on the growing popularity of NASCAR racing, DuPont sponsored famed driver Jeff Gordon (1971-), whose #24 was adorned with the DuPont logo. The collection consists of advertisements and memorabilia collected by a DuPont employee who followed Jeff Gordon on the NASCAR circuit.
DuPont Performance Elastomers, L.L.C. historical files on Neoprene
DuPont Performance Elastomers, LLC manufactures and supplies general purpose and specialty elastomer products. Neoprene is the generic name of an artificial rubber developed by the DuPont Company in 1930 to 1931. The records consist of a mix of historical and contemporary documents assembled to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of neoprene in 1981, enlarged to cover the seventieth anniversary in 2001, and kept up with subsequent additions.
DuPont Performance Elastomers, L.L.C. Louisville Works records
Records, mostly employee newspapers, relating to the history and operation of DuPont's Louisville Works, which was established in 1941 for the manufacture of "Neoprene" artificial rubber.
DuPont Performance Elastomers, L.L.C., Viton® fluoroelastomer historical files
DuPont Performance Elastomers, LLC manufactures and supplies general purpose and specialty elastomer products. Viton, the first fluoroelastomer, grew out of Dr. Dean R. Rexford's (1915-1997) research of DuPont's Organic Chemicals Department in 1954. The material proved remarkably stable when exposed to chemicals, oils, solvents, and high temperatures, making it ideal for seals, gaskets, O-rings, and similar components in the aerospace and automotive industries. This collection contains materials relating to the history of Viton fluoroelastomer assembled for its 50th anniversary in 2007. They include advertisements, trade catalogs, a copy of the original patent, and a company chronology of developments with Viton between 1954 and 1975.
DuPont Permasep Products photographs
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company commonly known as the DuPont Company. DuPont introduced its first reverse osmosis permeators for water desalination in 1969 under the trade name "Permasep" as a result of its contusion research in polymer chemistry and synthetic fibers. The collection documents the manufacture and operational use of the Permasep® product line. The collection consists of photographs, slides, videocassettes, and marketing materials that document the DuPont Company's involvement in the Permasep® product line. The bulk of the collection are slides of desalination plant views, including interior and exterior views. This collection includes slide presentations, brochures, and videocassettes promoting Permasep®. Researchers interested in industrial reverse osmosis systems may find this collection useful.
DuPont Permasep Products records
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company commonly known as the DuPont Company. DuPont introduced its first reverse osmosis permeators for water desalination in 1969 under the trade name "Permasep" as a result of its contusion research in polymer chemistry and synthetic fibers. This collection documents the marketing and patenting efforts of DuPont on behalf of their Permasep® product line.
DuPont Powder Co., One section of B Plant Box Repair Shop panorama
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company was established as a black powder manufactory in 1802. The DuPont Company purchased a site near City Point, Virginia on the James River in 1912 in order to build a dynamite plant located closer to the southern market. The onset of World War I, however, created a great demand for guncotton, and the Hopewell Works was converted to that purpose, starting in 1915. This item is a 1916 panoramic photograph of the repair shop.
DuPont powder wagon carrying powder to Lake Erie For Commodore Perry lithograph
Howard Pyle (1853–1911) was an illustrator, author, and teacher. He is well-known for his works "The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood," "King Arthur," and his illustrations of pirates. This lithograph is a reproduction of an original painting by Howard Pyle that he was commissioned to produce for the E.I. du Pont de Nemours Powder Company in 1911. The image depicts the 1813 wagon train under military escort, which carried DuPont powder from Brandywine Mills near Wilmington, Delaware, to Commodore Perry at Erie, Pennsylvania.
Dupont Street, Chinese quarters print
DuPont Street was one of the oldest streets in San Francisco's Chinatown district, it was named in honor of Commodore Samuel Francis du Pont (1803-1865) of the United States Navy. Dupont Street was changed to Grant Avenue in 1886. This print is a view of Dupont Street, in the Chinatown area of San Francisco, with an insert image of a "Chinese Vegetable Pedler."
DuPont Theatre records
The DuPont Theatre, originally called The Playhouse, presents professional theatrical productions from Broadway and other notable venues in downtown Wilmington, Delaware since 1913. The Playhouse was the concept of three top executives of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company (DuPont Company) who realized that Wilmington needed a facility for cultural as well as business purposes. The DuPont Theatre records consist primarily of public relations and advertising materials related to the theater's operation. As such, they present a sequence of changing tastes in popular entertainment in a medium-sized American city.
DuPont, Washington historic district nomination papers
DuPont, Washington, was built by E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company for the purpose of housing employees of its dynamite plant. The collection includes papers on the history of DuPont, specifically the nomination to the National Register, along with copies of newspaper clippings, maps, and reports related to the nomination.
D.W. Page diary
D.W. Page was an otherwise unidentified American civil engineer. This item is Page's diary, documenting his work as a government railroad engineer. Page's diary begins in July 1914, just prior to the completion of his work in South America. With the exception of 1919 and 1920, he kept the diary, consisting of typed pages in a loose-leaf binder, over the next eight years. The diary is the work of an articulate, trained professional, and observant traveler.
E. Butterick & Cos. report of ladies fashions
The Butterick Company produced sewing patterns used to make clothing, as well as numerous publications focused on fashion and home clothing design. The company began in 1863 with Ebenezer Butterick (1826–1903) a tailor from Sterling, Massachusetts and his wife Ellen August Pollard Butterick (1831-1871) when they invented the graded sewing pattern, which revolutionized the practice of home sewing. This item is a colorful print showing ladies and girls dresses along with two insets showing several types of hats. The fashions in the print reflect the winter 1876-1877 season.
E. G. Bailey papers
Ervin George "E. G." Bailey (1880-1974) was a combustion engineer, inventor, and businessman. His personal papers include correspondence and articles on subjects relating to combustion engineering, and information about awards and honors Bailey received and conferences he participated in. Bailey's papers include copies of numerous speeches and publications on combustion engineering and engineering education.
E. I. du Pont and Peter Bauduy articles of agreement
Peter Bauduy (1769?-1833) and E.I. du Pont (1771-1834) were partners in several business ventures together, including Du Pont, Bauduy, & Co., a textile manufacturing firm and E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. The collection includes an official certified copy of the articles of agreement between Bauduy and du Pont, forming a partnership for the powder manufacturing company that would become E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. Tyvek plant construction photographs
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company. The company was established in 1802 by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817) and his son Eleuthère Irénée du Pont (1771-1834). DuPont Luxembourg was founded in 1962 and is one of the largest investments the DuPont Company has made in Europe. These photographs document interior and exterior views of construction at a DuPont Tyvek plant in Luxembourg.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Atomic Energy Division records
The Savannah River Plant manufactured basic materials required in the production of nuclear weapons, specifically plutonium and tritium. The complex was comprised of five reactors, two chemical separation plants, a heavy water extraction plant, nuclear fuel, and target fabrication facility, a tritium extraction facility, and waste management facilities. The E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Atomic Energy Division records are an expansive and rich collection of materials that document the DuPont Company’s involvement in the Manhattan Project and the company’s continued role in the United States government’s exploration of atomic power and weaponry.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Experimental Station photographs
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company was established in 1802 by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817) and his son Éleuthère Irénée du Pont (1771-1834). In 1903 the DuPont Company's Executive Committee established the Experimental Station, a research facility located on the banks of the Brandywine Creek across from DuPont's first black powder works. This collection contains photographs of general views of the Experimental Station showing its growth over time.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Hanford Engineer Works photographs and films
The Hanford Engineer Works in Hanford, Washington, was constructed between 1943 and 1945 to create the plutonium 239 and uranium 235 used in the atomic weapons needed for World War II. Sponsored by the Army Corps of Engineers, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company acted as the prime contractor. This collection contains two captioned albums, one of the Medical Division between 1943 and 1945, and the other of Hanford Yuletide Carnival in 1943. The films are various format copies of "War construction in the desert", created to document the building and running of the Hanford Engineer Works. Also included is a film of African American workers dancing in one of the mess halls and a farewell party of DuPont executives in 1948.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company photographs
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company. The company was established in 1802 by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817) and his son Eleuthère Irénée du Pont (1771-1834) the company began with the production of gunpowder. This collection consists of photographs that document two separate activities. First grouping shows a nyalite (and explosive) outdoor safety demonstration (1905) probably conducted in the Hagley powder yards.
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Wilmington Shops photographs
The Wilmington Shops were preceded by the first DuPont Company machine shop facilities on the Brandywine River. This is a collection of photographs from the DuPont's Company Wilmington Shops, a large machine shop that produced specialized equipment which was used in DuPont Company plants. A few of the images show the interior of the shops, but the majority picture individual machines
E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Yerkes Plant records
What became known as the Yerkes plant in Buffalo, New York of the E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company began as the DuPont Fibersilk Company in 1920, a joint venture between DuPont and a French textile company, Comptoir des Textiles Artificiels, created to produce artificial silk. In 1923, the two companies formed a second joint venture to produce cellophane at the site. DuPont bought the French interests in both companies in March 1928. This collection from the Yerkes plant consists of various publications, cellophane samples, employee magazines, and a scrapbook about the live broadcast from Buffalo of an episode of the radio program Cavalcade of America, entitled The Oath, based on the life of Millard Fillmore.