Construction projects
Found in 38 Collections and/or Records:
Augustus Smith photographs
Augustus Smith (1868-1932) was a civil engineer and contractor. He held several patents for coaling machinery, such as hoists. These photographs show construction progress and completed buildings, bridges, and coaling stations. There are images of projects Smith worked on or contributed to either as a contractor or engineer. The materials are arranged by company name: Augustus Smith & Co., Bergen Point Iron Works, and Groton Bridge and Manufacturing Co.
Avon Products Inc., Suwanee, Georgia site photographs
Avon Products, Inc., manufactures and sells beauty, household and personal care products. In 1989, ground was broken on a new distribution center and warehouse in Suwanee, Georgia. The construction of the site was completed in May 1991 and officially opened in February, 1992. This is a small collection of photographic color prints that document the construction of the Suwanee distribution and warehouse site
Bethlehem Steel Corporation and Bethlehem Ship Corporation photographs
At the turn of the century, under the direction of Charles M. Schwab (1862-1939) and Eugene Grace (1876-1960), Bethlehem Steel Corporation became the second largest American steel company; combined with its other venture, Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., it became a leading twentieth century American business. The collection includes a wide range of photography which documents the company’s long history and the breadth of its enterprises from east to west coasts and overseas. It contains eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth century industrial and non-industrial images and of management and workers. As a research tool, its use will be as varied and extensive as the corporation itself was during its years as an American industrial giant.
Bethlehem Steel Corporation records, 1892-1967
The records of the Bethlehem Steel Corporation are a series of fragments, lacking the complete runs of corporate and executive documents that normally comprise a business archive. The surviving records give a reasonable overview of the company's history and activities, but one which is lacking in depth.
Correspondence and memorabilia of its executive officers consist largely of material collected by Robert McMath, Vice President (Finance) and Secretary. These include organization papers, directories, annual and quarterly reports to the stockholders and internal statistical reports. McMath’s correspondence deals with an assortment of subjects, including those related to the financial downturn of the 1930s and its effect on business and industry. Other letters pertain to plant visits, construction activities, destruction of securities, financial progress of competing steel companies, investments, the benefits of free enterprise over communism, and Bethlehem’s contribution to World War II. Although the bulk of the letters are addressed to McMath, some are directed to Bethlehem Steel Chairman Eugene G. Grace and Charles Schwab.
There are bound collections of documents regarding major mergers and acquisitions and the issuance of stock and bond issues, these documents are most useful in tracing the evolution of corporate structure. Also from McMath's office are scattered legal files of which the most important is a transcript of testimony from the anti-trust proceedings barring the merger with the Youngstown Sheet & Tube Company in 1968.
Centennial Exhibition photographs and ephemera
The Centennial International Exhibition of 1876 celebrated the one hundreth anniversary of American Independence. Held in Fairmount Park in Philadelphia, it was the first major U.S. world's fair. This collection contains Centennial Exhibition photographs, albums, scrapbooks, and ephemera
Christ Church Christiana Hundred photographs
Christ Church Christiana Hundred is an Episcopal church in Greenville, Delaware, founded in 1848 by the du Pont family and Reverend Samuel Brinckle (1796-1863).This collection of Christ Church photographs primarily document changes to the church site, both exterior and interior, between 1890 and 1983.
Conectiv, Inc. photographs
Conectiv, Inc. is a holding company formed in 1998 by the merger of Atlantic Electric Incorporated and Delmarva Power and Light Company, two large regional power utilities that supplied Southern New Jersey and the Delmarva Peninsula. The majority of the images in this collection come from the Delmarva Power and Light Company (DP&L), a predecessor of Conectiv, Inc. The images can generally be divided into three categories: DP&L equipment and facilities, DP&L employees, and views of buildings, both commercial and residential, throughout northern Delaware.
DuPont Company Engineering Department, Louviers Building photographs
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company, established in 1802. DuPont broke ground on the Louviers office building, located near Newark, Delaware, in June 1951 and was occupied by DuPont's Engineering Department beginning in August 1952. This collection consists mostly of photographs of DuPont's Louviers office building. There are some photographs showing the Engineering Department's move from Wilmington to the Louviers Building.
DuPont Company Moberly Plant photographs and ephemera
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company. The Moberly Plant was an automotive finishes plant in Moberly Missouri from 1968 through 1990. The plant manufactured topcoat paints used to repair or refurinsh vehicles. This collection consists of materials related to the former DuPont Company site in Moberly, Missouri, 1968-1990. Materials include newsletters, guides to the plant, a magazine, a yearbook, certificates, photographs, slides, and negatives.
DuPont Company South San Francisco Plant photographs
DuPont Company South San Francisco Plant manufactured and packaged DuPont finishes such as Lucite paint, Duco laquers and Dulux enamels. The plant began operation in 1935. The collection consists of photographs, films and ephemera from the DuPont Company South San Francisco Plant.
DuPont Company's Chestnut Run Laboratories albums
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont company, established in 1802. DuPont's Chestnut Run Laboratories was opened in 1954 near Wilmington, Delaware. This collection consists of two albums documenting the history of the Chestnut Run facility between 1954 and 1961. One album contains primarily photographs taken of the facilities exteriors between 1955 and 1958. The second album contains mostly newspaper clippings between 1954 and 1961.
Edward H. and Josephine A. Kemp Panama Canal travelogue album
Edward Henry Kemp (1868-1948) and Josephine A. Kemp (1868-1941) were commercial photographers and traveling lecturers. The Kemps were best known for their photographic and motion picture travelogues, as well as their work in Camera Craft magazine. In 1912, the Chamber of Commerce invited its members to join an excursion to the Isthmus of Panama, with the San Francisco Chamber of Commerce being the guide in charge of the trip and planning. The San Francisco Chamber chartered the SS Sonoma of the Oceanic Steamship Company from April 25, 1912, to return on May 21, 1912. The album is a travelogue of the SS Sonoma voyage from San Francisco to the construction site of the Panama Canal locks. The images show views of railroad construction, dredges, street views of Balboa, Panama la Vieja, bull fights, and Old Panama City. The album itself does not contain either Kemp's name or other identifying information, however, three of the photographs in the album match photographs that have been positively identified as being taken by the Kemps.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Neoprene B plant panoramic photographs
The Neoprene B plant was located at DuPont's Deepwater Point, New Jersey site, which was later named the Chambers Works. This collection consists of three panoramic photographs showing the construction of the Neoprene B plant.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. Experimental Station and Country Club panoramic photograph
The DuPont Company's Executive Committee established the Experimental Station, a research facility located on the banks of the Brandywine Creek across from DuPont's first black powder works. The panoramic photograph provides an overview of the DuPont Company Experimental Station and Country Club, outside of Wilmington, Delaware. It shows temporary structures and construction for expansion of the Experimental Station.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company Hall of Records images
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company was established in 1802 by Pierre Samuel du Pont de Nemours (1739-1817) and his son Éleuthère Irénée du Pont (1771-1834). The du Ponts purchased a mill site on the banks of the Brandywine River just North of Wilmington, Delaware. The pulp keg mill, after the powder yards closed, was used for record storage by the DuPont Company. (Currently, it is a Hagley Museum and Library property, the Hall of Records.) In 1903, the DuPont Company's Executive Committee established the Experimental Station, a research facility located on the banks of the Brandywine Creek across from the du Pont's first black powder works. This collection consists of photographs and negatives from the DuPont Company's Secretary's Department showing the Hall of Records at various times and one aerial view of the Experimental Station.
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, Real Estate Division files
The E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company commonly known as the DuPont Company. It was established in 1802 and began by manufacturing gunpowder; later it produced chemical compounds. The Real Estate Division was responsible for investigating locations and the acquisition of major facilities throughout the United States. Henry H. Gunther (1919-1960), was a real estate specialist with the DuPont Company. This small collection consists of Gunther's files on acquiring plant sites.
Frank R. Zebley photograph albums
Frank R. Zebley (1883-1960) was a Delaware native collector, photographer, author, and one-time speaker of the Delaware House of Representatives. He published Along the Brandywine and The Churches of Delaware. The Frank R. Zebley photograph albums includes nearly 1500 black and white photographs from the city of Wilmington, locations around Delaware, southeastern Pennsylvania, and other places of interest in the mid-Atlantic region.
Franklin T. Matthias photographs
Franklin “Frank” T. Matthias (1908-1933) served as commanding officer and area engineer of Hanford Engineer Works from 1943 to 1945. He oversaw production of plutonium at Hanford to create the world’s first nuclear weapon, the atomic bomb. The bulk of the collection consists of photographs taken during the construction of the nuclear facilities at Hanford and the village of Richland in Washington state. Researchers interested in World War II, the Manhattan Project, industrial chemistry, nuclear energy, and company towns would find this collection useful.
Horace Holden Thayer, Jr. business records
Horace Holden Thayer, Jr. (1878-1959) was a naval architect, mechinical engineer, and businessman. Between 1909 and 1914 Thayer worked for the Delaware Construction Company which was a building company, and a subsidary of the National Real Estate Trust Company, which provided loans and financing for the properties. This small collection consists of papers relating to Thayer's early work with the National Real Estate Trust Company and the Delaware Construction Co. These materials document the formation of the National Real Estate Trust Company and building specifications for the Delaware Construction Co. There is a small amount of papers related to the businesses of his father-in-law Thomas H. Savery (1837-1910), specifically the Harpers Ferry Paper Company and the Shanandeoah Pulp Company.
John A. Bader II business papers
John A. Bader II (1895-1961) was a Wilmington, Delaware, building contractor active during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s. The records are primarily Bader's business papers. The collection includes engineer's field books, diaries of trips, and job notes. Eight volumes contain profit and loss statements, cost accounting for jobs, records of checks paid, and files on individual construction jobs.
John J. Raskob photographs
John Raskob (1879-1950) was a financial executive for the E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. and General Motors, and builder of the Empire State Building. The collection primarily consists of construction progress photographs of the Durant Building in Detroit, Michighan in 1919 and 1920. There is a small set of images of a renovation at Raskob's Archmere estate in 1916, and a few portraits and snapshots of Raskob.
John McShain papers
John McShain (1898-1989) was a Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.,-based building contractor, whose firm, John McShain, Inc., was by 1950 the fiftieth largest construction firm in the United States, with contracts in excess of $100,000,000. John McShain's personal and business papers document his business career, the construction industry, and his investments in hotels, car dealerships, parking garages, transit lines, and racehorses.
John McShain photographs
John McShain (1898-1989) was a Philadelphia and Washington, D.C.-based building contractor, whose firm, John McShain, Inc., was by 1950 the fifth largest construction firm in the United States. The collection contains graphic materials documenting John McShain's family life and personal interests, his career as a building contractor, and his involvement in horse racing.
Levi C. Stang scrapbook
Levi C. Stang (1890-1962) was an electrical engineer and general manager of several electric companies throughout the Midwest. His scrapbook chronicles his career and employment as an electrical engineer through selected letters and correspondence, newspaper and other clippings, blueprints, and photographs.
Longwood Gardens, 1865-1991, undated
The Longwood Gardens series documents the creation and expansion of Longwood Gardens. The photographs of the property are arranged chronologically. They start with a few nineteenth century views of the property when it was the property of the Peirce family who owned it through the legacy of a William Penn land grant and continue through its intensive development under the direction of du Pont who gave personal attention to building fountains, conservatories, and a popular outdoor theater. Though the du Pont’s hosted an annual garden party, there are only images of one garden party from 1915. There are two albums of Longwood Gardens, one dates from 1907 through 1913 and shows the construction of a dam, tree plantings, the formal garden, fountains, and the Peirce-du Pont house renovation. The second album is of photographs by Gould White and dates to the 1920s. The album contains some hand-colored images by M.M. Pugh, particularly of the fountains. There are several sets of postcards that date as early as 1909 through 1931, the largest set of postcards are from 1928. Most of the postcards are black and white, though some are in color. There are glass plate negatives of the gardens and grounds, including the construction of the main conservatory in 1919 and its completion in 1920, as well as images of the mansion, and a set of images of a group of people digging out a snow drift. There are glass stereoview autochromes of the conservatory, gardens, and grounds from around 1922 and 1928, as well as color glass lantern slides of the conservatory in 1924 and garden views in 1937. There are two sets of Dufaycolor glass transparencies of garden views, grounds, and the mansion dating from around 1935-1936. There are also several issues of the newsletters Longwood Chimes and Longwood Gardens Employees, which date from 1985 through 1991.
Mark C. Walker & Son Co. scrapbook
Mark C. Walker & Son Co. was a general contractor firm in the early to mid-twentieth century. The company was founded as Callahan-Walker Construction Company in Omaha, Nebraska, by Mark Connell Walker (1889-1966) and his father-in-law, William F. Callahan (1856-1930), a railroad contractor. Upon Callahan's death, Walker took on his son, Mark Callahan Walker (1911-1999), as a partner. This album, compiled by Walker Jr., documents construction projects during World War II, as well as the post-war western United States. It highlights the impact of public works in the twentieth century. The album contains photographs, text, and newspaper clippings detailing several key construction projects: the Gary Armor Plate Steel Mill in 1942, the Harlan County Dam between 1946 and 1947, and the Orange County Sanitation Plant in 1953. The album also contains photographs and trade catalogs from the company's Polair Mobile Refrigerator Division, which designed and built refrigerated truck trailers for the U.S. Army.
Niagara Falls Power Company power generation facility photograph album
The Niagara Falls Power Company began in 1890, the power plant harnessed waterpower to deliver electricity to Buffalo, New York. The company's two power stations were closed after more than sixty years of service in 1961. This collection's photographs document the erection of wooden poles for power transmission lines between Niagara Falls and Buffalo. There are also interiors and exteriors of power hosues and transformer buildings.
Pennsylvania Water & Power Company photographs
Pennsylvania Water & Power Company was established to store, transport, and generate water power for both commercial and manufacturing purposes. The Holtwood facility outside of Lancaster, Pennsylvania was the first power plant to have both a hydroelectric generator and a coal power generator. The company was originally called McCall’s Ferry Power Co. and founded in 1905. This small collection consists of photographs that depict the progress of several construction projects at the Holtwood and Safe Harbor plants. Most of these images date from 1951 to 1954, well after the original construction of both sites.
Pennsylvania Water & Power Company presidential records
The Pennsylvania Water & Power Company formed in 1910 to finish construction of the Holtwood hydroelectric facility along the lower Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. The company achieved numerous advancements in hydroelectric and steam power development in the early twentieth century, and helped bring about the electrification of Baltimore and, later, much of the Chesapeake and eastern Pennsylvania area. The records largely consist of correspondence to and from Pennsylvania Water & Power's chief engineer and later president, John Abbet Walls, and other company heads relating to operations, customers, dam construction, and numerous subjects associated with the hydroelectric industry.
Philadelphia Saving Fund Society (PSFS) photographs
Philadelphia Saving Fund Society (PSFS), the nation's first mutual savings bank, was founded in 1816. In 1927 the Society commissioned Howe and Lescaze, a local architectural firm that had previously designed traditional style banks for the institution, to draw up plans for a new building to be constructed at the corner of 12th and Market Streets. This collection is composed of materials from two Philadelphia mutual savings banks which date from the first half of the nineteenth century. The collection has been divided into two series: Philadelphia Saving Fund Society (PSFS) and Western Savings Fund Society (WSFS) which was merged with PSFS in 1982. A significant part of the collection consists of photographs of bank buildings represented by traditional styles and in later years by contemporary suburban sites. The American banking industry has usually conducted business in formal bank buildings. The styles of these buildings have changed with passing fashions of architectural taste. This collection provides a good visual record of these developments.
Pulp Keg Mill in the Hagley Yard album
The pulp keg mill was built around 1904 to manufacture an experimental design of black and smokeless powder container made essentially from paper. This album contains photographic prints of the construction of the pulp keg mill in the Hagley Yard of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. near Wilmington, Delaware around 1902 through 1905.
Reading Company photographs
The Reading Company, chartered in 1871, became the holding company for the system of railroads, canals and coalmines assembled between 1833 and 1896 by its predecessor, the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company. The collection consists of photographs [negatives, blueprints and other graphic materials relating to the Reading Company and its predecessor, the Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Company.
Schramm, Inc. photographs
Schramm, Inc. was a leading manufacturer of air compression, drilling, and construction equipment headquartered in West Chester, Pennsylvania. This collection consists primarily of photographs depicting air compressor machinery produced by the company. It offers insight into Schramm's early operations and industrial development along the Eastern Seaboard. The images range from 1895 to 2015, with the majority of materials dating from 1908 to 1982. Researchers interested in energy transmission and its development by air compressors would find this collection useful. It is arranged into five series: Machinery prints, Personnel prints, Vintage prints, Promotional materials, and Negatives.
Spreckels Sugar Refining Company records
The Spreckels Sugar Refining Company was the Philadelphia branch of the Spreckels family sugar refining combine. The records are primarily accounts for the construction and operation of the Philadelphia refinery under Claus Spreckels Jr. (1858-1946) between 1888 and 1895.
Strawbridge and Clothier photographs and audiovisual materials
Strawbridge & Clothier was the last family-owned major department store chain in the Greater Philadelphia area. The store was founded as a partnership by Justus C. Strawbridge (1838-1911) and Isaac H. Clothier (1837-1921) on July 1, 1868 at 8th and Market Streets in Center City Philadelphia. This collection contains photographs, negatives, transparencies, lantern slides, glass negatives, slides, audio tapes, videotapes, and films from Strawbridge & Clothier. It is valuable to those researching all aspects of retail: history, architecture, department stores, shopping malls, employment, operations, promotion, advertising, fashion, and merchandising. Other topics include family-owned businesses, distinguished Quaker families, business response on the homefront during World War II, the Gallery and Market East, and Philadelphia and its environs. There are also proposal albums from the Pavlik Design Team of store design for the Cherry Hill, King of Prussia, and Willow Grove stores and from Neil/Carter Design Associates for Heritage Hall
in the Market Street store.
Strawbridge & Clothier construction progress album
Strawbridge & Clothier was the last family-owned major department store chain in the Greater Philadelphia area. The store was founded as a partnership by Justus C. Strawbridge (1838-1911) and Isaac H. Clothier (1837-1921) on July 1, 1868, at 8th and Market streets in Center City, Philadelphia. Success had brought the need for a new building, and it was decided to remain at 8th and Market. Construction on the new store began in July 1928. The thirteen-story, $10 million store was dedicated in October 1932. This small album documents the construction progress of the store on 8th and Market streets from 1929 to 1930 and the store opening in 1932.
Warren-Ehret Company photograph albums
The Warren-Ehret Company was a Philadelphia roofing company founded in 1883. This collection consists of 259 images from three unbound albums which were used as sales portfolios to show the variety and extent of Warren-Ehret's roofing jobs on a variety of buildings.
Westinghouse Electric Corporation Steam Division photographs
The Westinghouse Machine Company manufactured gas and steam engines, turbines and mechanical stokers. The vast corporate photographic archive from this division covers diverse topics including technical subjects showing surface condensers and reduction gears and components used to construct different types of turbines. There are building construction views and thorough documentation of the Essington property; specifically, this includes the blade, diaphragm, erecting, and forge shops, several different types of laboratories on the premise, a foundry and pickle house. In addition, there are images of the pattern storage house, power house, pump house, and salvage building