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Showing Collections: 451 - 500 of 1060

Henry S. Leverich checkbook

Accession: 2097

Henry S. Leverich (1804-1885), along with his brothers, was a merchant and financier in New York City. The checkbook contains annotated stubs for checks drawn on the Merchants' Bank in the City of New York and several blank checks.

Dates: 1830-1837

Herbert Belar papers

Accession: 2767

Herbert Belar (1901-1997) was an inventor and research scientist in the field of acoustical engineering at the RCA David Sarnoff Research Center in Princeton, New Jersey for thirty-eight years. He developed "hi-fi" recording, the phonetic typewriter, and the electronic music synthesizer. This small collection of Herbert Belar papers reflects the professional daily work of an acoustical engineer from the 1930s through the 1960s. There is significant documentation on the phonetic typewriter, the 200 speech communication system, the music composing machine, and the electronic music synthesizer. Notable inclusions are information related to the development of "hi-fi," film motion pictures sound recording, and phonographic records recording. There is only one file that discusses Belar's work at the MAD Laboratory.

Dates: 1928-2020; Majority of material found within 1938-1966

Herbert James Tily miscellany

Accession: 2524

Herbert James Tily (1866-1948) was bookkeeper, auditor, chief accountant, and then general manager of Strawbridge & Clothier. He organized the Strawbridge & Clothier Chorus of store employees. The miscellany collection contains news clippings and ephemera describing Tily's work at Strawbridge's, with the Chorus, and in civic affairs. Additionally, there is a copy of the sheet music for "The Slave's Dream," a musical setting for a Longfellow poem.

Dates: 1911-1948; Majority of material found within 1932-1940

Hercules Inc. personnel cards

Accession: 2134

Hercules Inc. was a manufacturer of chemicals and munitions based in Wilmington, Delaware. The records consist of a sample of employee personnel records, or service record cards, that date from circa 1914 to 1933, as well as copies of the company pension and retirement savings plans that date from 1982 to 1990. The cards typically contain information on personal characteristics, such as race, ethnicity, age, physical appearance, and family, and also on occupation, wage rates, promotion, discipline, and reasons for discharge. The plants are scattered around the country and thus provide an interesting regional sample of the industrial workforce during the 1910s and 1920s. Pension and retirement savings plans are for both Hercules Incorporated and Simmonds Precision Products, Inc.

Dates: 1914-1990

Hercules, Incorporated price-fixing case records

Accession: 2507

Hercules Inc. was a manufacturer of chemicals and munitions based in Wilmington, Delaware. On April 23, 1986, the Commision of the European Economic Community ruled that several firms, including S.A. Hercules Chemicals N.V., the Belgian subsidiary of Hercules Incorporated, had violated Article 85(1) of the Treaty of Rome by enganging in price-fixing arrangements for the sale and marketing of polypropylene between 1977 and 1983. This collection consists of two volumes related to the company's appeal.

Dates: 1984-1989

Herman Schroeder papers

Accession: 2468

H.E. Schroeder (1915-2009) was a research chemist who spent most of his career with E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. His papers consist of documents and memorabilia covering his family and professional life.

Dates: 1901-1997

Hiebler family papers

Accession: 2593

The Hiebler family papers include documents pertaining to four generations. The bulk of the collection consists of letters written by Alfred I. du Pont to his grandsons Bayard Hiebler and Benno Hiebler, dated 1927 to 1935.

Dates: 1911-1982; Majority of material found within 1927-1935

Historical miscellany from the DuPont Building

Accession: 2664

E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company is a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont Company. The DuPont Building occupied an entire block bound by 10th, 11th, Orange and Market Streets and was one of the first high-rises in Wilmington, Delaware. Until early 2015 the building housed DuPont's headquarters. This small collection of files on DuPont Company history and biographies were removed from the company's downtown headquarters building prior to its move to the suburbs.

Dates: 1921-1980

"History of Explosions and Accidents at Brandywine Mills" by Francis Gurney du Pont

Accession: 1402

Francis Gurney du Pont (1850-1904) was the youngest son of Alexis I. du Pont (1816-1857) and Joanna Smith du Pont (1815-1876), and grandson of Éleuthère Irénée "E.I." du Pont (1771-1834), founder of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, a chemical company more commonly referred to as the DuPont Company. The collection contains a carbon typescript of "History of Explosions at Brandywine Mills" compiled from records by du Pont and also reported from his own experiences.

Dates: 1908

H.O. Sooy papers

Accession: 2300

Harry O. Sooy (1875-1927) worked at Berliner Gramophone Company and Victor Talking Machine Company and was involved in the development of American sound recording. His papers contain a diary photocopy that is either a typed original or transcript of a diary that Sooy kept from the time of his employment with Eldridge R. Johnson (1867-1945) from 1898 to the end of 1925. Also included are four miscellaneous items: formula for grading and grinding precious stones, regulations governing the Victor Cooperative Beneficial Association, Red Cross benefit concert, and United War Work Campaign concert.

Dates: 1898-1925

Hologic, Inc. records

Accession: 2750

Hologic, Inc. is a developer and manufacturer of medical x-ray imaging instruments with a primary focus on mammography and women's health. The company was founded in 1985 by S. David Ellenbogen (1938-2001) and Jay A. Stein (1942-) in Bedford, Massachusetts. Researchers can expect to find print and digital materials, including medical journal articles, marketing brochures, presentations from sales and marketing meetings, digital photographs of doctors' offices with mammography equipment, price books, Radiological Society of North America annual conventions preparation materials, and pictures and slideshows from company retreats. The finding aid is arranged into four series: Hologic, Inc. company and people, Marketing files, Conferences and sales meetings files, and Articles.

Dates: 1993-2019

Hoopes Brothers & Darlington, Inc. records

Accession: 1374

Hoopes Brothers & Darlington was a firm that produced wooden wheels. It was founded by brothers Thomas Hoopes (1834-1925) and William Hoopes (1830-1917) on their farm about a mile northwest of West Chester, Pennsylvania, in 1866. Initially, they manufactured spokes for wagon wheels from local timber. In 1869, they established a factory in West Chester proper and, within three years, were manufacturing complete wooden wheels. In time the firm became the largest establishment of its kind east of the Allegheny Mountains. The records of Hoopes Brothers & Darlington, Inc. are relatively complete and give a full picture of the firm during its peak years in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Dates: 1868-1967

Hoopes Brothers & Darlington, Inc. records

Accession: 1294

Hoopes Brothers & Darlington was a firm that produced wooden wheels. It was founded by brothers Thomas Hoopes (1834-1925) and William Hoopes (1830-1917) on their farm about a mile northwest of West Chester, Pennsylvania, in 1866. Initially, they manufactured spokes for wagon wheels from local timber. In 1869, they established a factory in West Chester proper and, within three years, were manufacturing complete wooden wheels. In time the firm became the largest establishment of its kind east of the Allegheny Mountains. This small collection consists of an account book of rim stock; a biography of one of the firm's founders, Thomas Hoopes; the autobiography of lime kiln owner John G. Robison; Edward S. Darlington's membership certificate in the Carriage Builders National Association; and board of directors' meeting minutes from 1903 to 1932.

Dates: 1894-1932

Horace Holden Thayer, Jr. business records

Accession: 0645

Horace Holden Thayer, Jr. (1878-1959) was a naval architect, mechinical engineer, and businessman. Between 1909 and 1914 Thayer worked for the Delaware Construction Company which was a building company, and a subsidary of the National Real Estate Trust Company, which provided loans and financing for the properties. This small collection consists of papers relating to Thayer's early work with the National Real Estate Trust Company and the Delaware Construction Co. These materials document the formation of the National Real Estate Trust Company and building specifications for the Delaware Construction Co. There is a small amount of papers related to the businesses of his father-in-law Thomas H. Savery (1837-1910), specifically the Harpers Ferry Paper Company and the Shanandeoah Pulp Company.

Dates: 1907-1964

Hotel du Pont historical files

Accession: 2597

Hotel du Pont is a historic hotel located in Wilmington, Delaware that opened in 1913. The Hotel du Pont Company was organized on July 2, 1912, for the purpose of operating a hotel within the Du Pont Building in downtown Wilmington. The Hotel du Pont historical files were collected to assist in the preparation of an Arcadia book by Joanna L. Arat, which was issued to mark the 100th anniversary of the hotel, and include administrative records, marketing and sales information, food services and material related to other special events.

Dates: 1912-2011

Hotel du Pont miscellany

Accession: 2680

Hotel du Pont is a historic hotel located in Wilmington, Delaware, that opened in 1913. The Hotel du Pont Company was organized on July 2, 1912, for the purpose of operating a hotel within the Du Pont Building in downtown Wilmington. The Hotel du Pont miscellany represents objects, including former lobby decorations, removed prior to a proposed sale of the building. Items include menus, advertisements, check, and jacket pins.

Dates: 1911-2013

Hotel du Pont records

Accession: 2332

Hotel du Pont is a historic hotel located in Wilmington, Delaware that opened in 1913. This collection of Hotel du Pont materials represents publicity materials covering the renovations within the hotel and some of the more special events held there primarily dating from 1980 to 1992.

Dates: 1913-2002; Majority of material found within 1980-1992

Hounshell and Smith oral history transcripts

Accession: 1878

Science and Corporate Strategy is a scholarly history of research and development at the DuPont Company authored by David A. Hounshell (1950-) and John Kenly Smith (1951-). As part of their research, Hounshell and Smith conducted sixty-one oral history interviews with forty-seven current and former chemical engineers involved in DuPont's R & D programs. The interviews constitute an exhaustive first-person account of DuPont's research programs with special emphasis on personalities and the organizational culture of the various DuPont research facilities.

Dates: 1981-1988

Houses on Breck's Lane, Delaware list of renters

Accession: 2013

Homes on Breck's Lane were owned by William Winder "Chick” Laird Jr. (1910-1989), and served as workers' housing. Laird was the director of E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. The record is a single sheet listing the houses on Breck's Lane near Wilmington, Delaware, that were originally workers' housing attached to the Brandywine Works of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company.

Dates: circa 1940

Howard Ensign Simmons, Jr. papers

Accession: 2172

Howard Ensign Simmons Jr. (1929-1997) was an industrial scientist and the Research Vice-President in the Central Research Department of the DuPont Company from 1979 until his retirement in 1991. His records document Simmons's role in overseeing the production of "Science and Corporate Stategy" by David A. Hounshell and John K. Smith, a scholarly history of Research and Development at the DuPont Company. Also included are reports on DuPont's diversification program in the late 1960s.

Dates: 1857-1997; Majority of material found within 1960-1990

Howard Potts oral history interview transcript

Accession: 2107

Howard Potts (1900-1978) was a supervisor for the American Car and Foundry shipyard. In the oral history done by Hagley Museum curatorial staff with Potts, he comments on a series of photographs taken at the yard during the time he worked there and describes the process involved in wooden shipbuilding and sailmaking.

Dates: 1975

Howell J. Harris collection of employers' association records

Accession: 2567

Various employer's association records from the 1990s collected by British historian of United States labor, business, and economic history, Howell Harris, for use in his 2000 book, "Bloodless Victories: The Rise and Fall of the Open Shop in the Philadelphia Metal Trades, 1890-1940." Includes several public relations, recruitment, and general information folders and packets distributed by employers' associations from across the United States.

Dates: 1985-1998

H.S. Mill Canning Company letter book

Accession: 2497

The H.S. Mill Canning Company was a small independent cannery in Springtown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The outbound letterpress copybook contains mostly correspondence with customers, suppliers, and the railroads that shipped the company's canned goods.

Dates: 1905-1908

Hudson Maxim note

Accession: 0655

Hudson Maxim (1853-1927) was an inventor and chemist best known for his work in the development of smokeless gunpowder and military explosives. This item is a brief note in which Maxim describes the invention of the gun as the "greatest life saving instrument," dated 1915.

Dates: 1915

Hudson Maxim papers

Accession: 0509

Hudson Maxim (1853-1927) was an inventor and chemist best known for his work in the development of smokeless gunpowder and military explosives. This collection includes a copy of an agreement between Maxim and E.I. du Pont de Nemours (October 17, 1897), whereby Maxim sold to the company his patents for smokeless powder. Also included is correspondence with du Pont family members and government agencies related to smokeless powder; the machine gun designed by Maxim; and Maxims's book, Defenseless America, an anti-pacifist polemic.

Dates: 1889-1925

Hudson Maxim papers

Accession: 2154

Hudson Maxim (1853-1927) was an inventor and chemist best known for his work in the development of smokeless gunpowder and military explosives. The papers consist primarily of Maxim's published and manuscript writings from the period between 1907 and 1926. The writings range in topics: Napoleon, the future of naval and aerial warfare, and social Darwinism and anti-immigration.

Dates: 1861-1926

Hudson Maxim papers

Accession: 2147

Hudson Maxim (1853-1927) was an inventor and chemist best known for his work in the development of smokeless gunpowder and military explosives. This collection focuses on Maxim's attempt to float his inventions in England during the late 1890s, his anti-pacifist crusade and war-era activities, and his work at Lake Hopatcong.

Dates: 1851-1925

Hugh Rodney Sharp papers regarding P. S. du Pont's estate

Accession: 2719

Pierre Samuel "P.S." du Pont (1870-1954) was the great-grandson of Eleuthère Irénée du Pont (1771-1834), founder of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company, and that company played a major role in P.S. du Pont's life. He is most well-known for developing the preeminent botanical gardens, Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. The P. S. du Pont estate papers document the distribution of physical items from his Longwood estate in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania, in the years following his death.

Dates: 1954-1957

Huston-Lukens family papers

Accession: 1441

Stewart Huston (1898-1971) began his career as a metallurgist and worked in varying capacities in the family business, Lukens Steel Company, in Coatesville, Pennsylvania, from 1923 until his death. Assembled by Huston, the collection relates to genealogy and family history.

Dates: 1718-1971

IBM Technical History Project oral histories

Accession: 2089

The IBM Technical History Project was begun in 1980 following the suggestion that books be written about IBM's technical history. The books that were subsequently written were based, in part, on 361 oral history interviews. This collection contains the interviews bound in eight volumes.

Dates: 1980-1991

ILC Dover, Apollo program records

Accession: 2810

ILC Dover outfitted every astronaut in the Apollo program and continued to design and manufacture space suit components for the space shuttle missions and on the International Space Station. The ILC Dover Apollo program records consist primarily of files maintained by Jim McBarron (1938-2020) while he was lead suit engineer for NASA, overseeing ILC’s development of the space suits. Also included are many other files gathered from ILC Dover and from ILC Dover retirees who were employed by ILC Industries during the Apollo program.

Dates: 1958-2017; undated

Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) records

Accession: 2753

The Industrial Designers Society of America (IDSA) is a trade organization for industrial designers that promotes the impact of design on business, culture, and society. The organization provides its members with education and networking opportunities. It also advocates for the profession through legal and business channels, and it helps colleges and universities set standards for their industrial design programs. IDSA recognizes and promotes achievements in the industry through an assortment of well-regarded awards, and it provides outreach and recognition to industrial design students through a variety of student scholarships and competitions. The Industrial Designers Society of America records document the organization's internal and external activities. Administrative records provide access to IDSA's organizational structure, bylaws, and policies, as well as its internal planning, advocacy activity, and membership relations. Newsletters and research reports provide insight into the industry's critical issues during a particular time period, and they also provide a review of IDSA activities. Materials from awards programs and student competitions provide images and analysis of products and spaces that were recognized for their superior design, and records and ephemera in the collection from other design organizations, design firms, and individual designers highlight important issues and trends in the industrial design field, both in the United States and around the world.

Dates: 1936-2019; Majority of material found within 1985-2011

Inez M. Gossett's Avon Products, Inc. papers

Accession: 2294

Inez M. Gossett (1907-2003) was employed by Avon Products, Inc. for thirty-one years. In 1939, she established the Atlanta City office. After the office closed, Gossett became a division sales counselor for district managers in Atlanta, Birmingham, New Orleans, and Memphis. Avon Products, Inc. is a manufacturer and direct selling company of beauty products. It is one of the oldest direct selling companies in the United States. This small collection documents the daily work of a city manager, most notably through Gossett's personal narrative, "A Week in the Life of a City Manager." As city manager, Gossett was responsible for hiring and training sales representatives. The collection contains sample sales representatives' contracts, order forms, and sales training materials.

Dates: 1920-1967

Insurance & Financial Communicators Association records

Accession: 1942

The Insurance & Financial Communicators Association (I.F.C.A.) "is an international organization dedicated to the ongoing professional development of its members in life insurance and related financial services communications." [1] The associations primary objective is to promote the exhange of ideas among its members through educational programs, events, and publications. The primary value of the collection is in its capacity for documenting trends in the marketing of life insurance, and the rationale behind particular advertising campaigns. Case histories and publications aimed at the industry are of most use in this regard. The bulk of the records are of interest only in documenting the internal functions of the organization and the issues which it has perceived as important to the insurance industry.

Dates: 1933-2008

Insurance Society of Philadelphia records

Accession: 1934

Insurance Society of Philadelphia provided a forum for persons engaged in the fire insurance business. The records consist of two series culled from the society's library: vertical files and scrapbooks. The records document various aspects of the insurance industry, the society and its members.

Dates: 1899-1961

Intellectual Property Committee records

Accession: 2492

The Intellectual Property Committee (IPC) was formed in 1986 as an ad-hoc coalition comprised of major U.S. corporations, such as IBM, Pfizer, and DuPont, to foster international support to improve and protect patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets. The Committee's efforts resulted in the 1994 passage of the Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement at the Uruguay Round, thus introducing intellectual property law into the international trading system. The records of the IPC include administrative files and correspondence, subject files, committee proposals, meeting agendas and summaries - both domestic and international - as well as reports and publications.

Dates: 1977-2003

Inter-Society Color Council records

Accession: 2188

The Inter-Society Color Council Records represents a wide array of individuals and organizations and their contributions to the development of standardized systems for identifying and evaluating color. This collection documents the advancement of color technology in the twentieth century and its practical application to problems related to color in science, art, and industry.

Dates: 1879-2000; Majority of material found within 1895-1985

International Housewares Association records

Accession: 2245

International Housewares Association is a trade organization that promotes the sales and marketing of housewares. The formation of The International Housewares Shippers Association, and International Business Council, gives assistance to members with global trade issues. Through The Inspired Home, a consumer-based magazine and website, IHA caters to the housewares buyer by directly connecting the industry to its’ consumers. The collection has been divided into seven series: Administrative, Annual Show, International Business Council, International Shippers Association, Membership, Public Relations, and Publications.

Dates: 1938-2014

Irene S. du Pont and Sophie du Pont May papers

Accession: 2857

Irene Sophie du Pont (1877-1961) was a philanthropist who served as the chairperson of the Delaware Commission for the Blind for thirty years. She married her distant cousin, Irénée du Pont (1876-1963), on February 1, 1900. Their eldest daughter was Irene "Sophie" Sophie du Pont May (1900-2001). Sophie du Pont May was a churchwoman and a philanthropist. This small collection consists of two sets of papers, one belonging to Irene Sophie du Pont and the other to her daughter, Sophie du Pont May. The papers were removed from each of their respective lap writing desks for preservation purposes. Irene Sophie du Pont's papers consist primarily of letters written to her between 1887 and 1898, prior to her marriage in 1900. Sophie du Pont May's papers are entirely comprised of her school materials from the Friends School in Wilmington, Delaware, dating from 1910 to 1916.

Dates: 1887-1898; 1910-1916

Irénée du Pont correspondence

Accession: 1169

Irénée du Pont (1876-1963) was an American businessman who used his background in chemical engineering to work at various United States companies in the twentieth century. He did work with Pusey & Jones, a company that provided shipbuilding services to help the World War II effort, and later transitioned into a paper-making facility. This collection includes eleven letters between Irenee du Pont, James Creese of the American-Scandinavian Foundation, J. Sigfrid Edstrom, and Neilson Abeel. The correspondence relates to du Pont’s business endeavors while working at Pusey & Jones.

Dates: 1938 October 17-1938 December 14

Irv Koons memorabilia

Accession: 2716

Irv Koons (1922-2017) was a graphic artist, designer, and illustrator who became one of the leading consumer package designers of the twentieth century. The Irv Koons memorabilia includes a small sample of holiday greeting cards designed by Koons and sent to clients and friends as well as items from Koons's funeral in 2017.

Dates: 2017; undated

Irv Koons papers

Accession: 2132

Irv Koons (1922-2017) was a graphic artist, designer, and illustrator who became one of the leading consumer package designers of the twentieth century. The Irv Koons papers include marketing research studies, business correspondence, public relations files, and materials from the designer's packaging courses. In addition to this textual component, the archive contains original artwork, sketches, comprehensives, mock-ups, and final product packaging. These materials document not only the career of Irv Koons, but also the growth and development of the packaging industry in the second half of the twentieth century.

Dates: 1946-1996; Majority of material found within 1955-1985

Irving S. Shapiro papers

Accession: 1898

Irving S. Shapiro (1916-2001) was a lawyer for the DuPont Company and was one of the first people outside the du Pont family to become chief executive of the company.

The papers represent a small fragment of Shapiro's work, primarily the more ceremonial aspects, during his tenure as DuPont Company CEO. It includes letters of congratulation, material related to opposing the attempt by Arab nations to enforce a boycott of companies doing business with the State of Israel, papers regarding the merger of Christiana Securities Company into DuPont, newsclippings and magazine articles, Shaprio's appearance on the Donahue show, and DuPont's response to Ralph Nader's book, The Company State.

Dates: 1964-1981

Isaac Auerbach survey of large scale computing machines

Accession: 1969

Isaac Auerbach (1921-1992) joined the staff of the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation to work on the UNIVAC project in June of 1946. One of his initial assignments was to survey and analyze the "large-scale computing projects" that were underway in the various computational laboratories throughout the country. This report goes through the history of analog computing, the development of digital computing and computational theory, current computer development projects at research institutions and commercial firms, and the commercial market for electronic digital computers.

Dates: 1947

Isabella du Pont Sharp letters

Accession: 1922

Isabella du Pont Sharp (1882-1946) was a descendent of the founders of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. The collection contains typed transcripts of letters written by Sharp to her sister, Margaretta du Pont Carpenter (1884-1973) while the Sharp family, friends, and children's nurses traveled around the world. The letters are filled with details about traveling, sightseeing, hotels, shopping, meals, and clothing.

Dates: 1921-1922

Isabelle Magee Sherman inbound letters

Accession: 2124

Belle M. Sherman (1851-1930) was a New York writer, translator, and editor who edited the women's page of the New York Herald, and wrote for magazines such as Colliers and the old Cosmopolitan under the byline of Mrs. B.M. Sherman or Belle M. Sherman. The collection contains incoming letters, the bulk from her son, Walter Magee Annette (1874-1955), but also her daughter-in-law Jane Nuckols (1878-unknown), and a column reader.

Dates: 1901-1906

Ivan Gubelmann retirement testimonial

Accession: 1046

Ivan Gubelmann (1886-1968) was an organic chemist specializing in dyestuffs. The framed testimonial was presented to Gubelmann on the occasion of his retirement from the Carrollville, Wisconsin plant of E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company and was transferred to Wilmington.

Dates: 1932 June 29

J. Edgar Rhoads oral interview transcript

Accession: 2326

J. Edgar Rhoads (1883-1981) was a partner and eventually head of J.E. Rhoads & Sons, a commercial tannery that specialized in the manufacturing of leather belts for mechanical applications. In his oral history, Rhoads recalls the major events in his life to about 1950, with considerable background material on his family. Additionally, he discusses his family's company, J.E. Rhoads & Sons, rural childhood, civic and charitable activities, particularly his work in Europe after both world wars and with the United China Relief.

Dates: 1969

J. Howard Pew papers

Accession: 1634

J. Howard Pew (1882-1971) was president of one of the largest wholesale distributor of motor petroleum companies, the Sun Oil Company (now Sunoco) from 1912 to 1947. He was a prominent philanthropist. In 1948, Pew and his siblings co-founded The Pew Charitable Trusts, a non-profit, non-governmental organization with the purpose of serving the public. The J. Howard Pew papers are primarily concerned with Pew's political activities and philanthropy. The collection is arranged into seven series: Alphabetical general correspondence; Subject files; Presbyterian Church; Christian Freedom Foundation; Glenmede Trust Co.; Pew Memorial Foundation; and Grove City College.

Dates: 1902-1971

Jackson and Sharp Company blueprints

Accession: 1939

The Jackson and Sharp Company, a manufacturer of railroad passenger cars, was incorporated in Delaware on February 24, 1869, as the successor to the partnership of Jackson & Sharp. This collection consists of blueprint floor plans for eleven cars built between 1901 and 1905, primarily for narrow-gauge lines in Maine.

Dates: 1901-1905

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  • Repository: Manuscripts and Archives X

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Correspondence 267
Social history 89
Railroads 70
Financial statements 68
Chemical industry 53
∨ more
Account books 48
Gunpowder industry 47
Patents 47
Research, Industrial 47
Reports 46
Diaries 45
Textile industry 42
Minutes 40
Iron industry and trade 37
Domestic relations 33
Steel industry and trade 33
Explosives industry 32
Textile fibers, Synthetic 32
Electronic industries 31
Advertisements 29
Industrial chemists 28
Merchants 28
Scrapbooks 27
Inventors 25
Biography 24
Industrial design 24
Papermaking 24
Wages 24
Investments 23
Marketing 21
Technical drawings 21
Dyes and dyeing 20
Ships 20
World War, 1939-1945 19
Industrial safety 18
Mechanical engineering 18
Trade associations 18
Aeronautics 17
Commerce 17
Genealogies 17
Receipts (Financial records) 17
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 17
Banks and banking 16
Cotton manufacture 16
Du Pont family -- Homes and haunts 16
Laboratory notebooks 16
Speeches 16
Business and politics 15
Industrial relations 15
Maps 15
Middle class women 15
Notebooks 15
United States. Navy -- Officers 15
Blast furnaces 14
Oral histories 14
Papermaking machinery 14
Computer industry 13
Education 13
Europe -- Description and travel 13
Firearms 13
Paper mills 13
Philadelphia (Pa.) 13
Real property 13
Textile factories 13
Trial and arbitral proceedings 13
Weapons industry -- Employees 13
Chemical engineering 12
Coal mines and mining 12
Deeds 12
Electric industries 12
Employees' magazines, newsletters, etc. 12
Leather industry and trade 12
Rubber, Artificial 12
Testing laboratories 12
Anthracite coal industry 11
Consolidation and merger of corporations 11
Electrical engineering 11
Exhibitions 11
France -- Politics and government 11
Gunpowder, Smokeless 11
Nylon 11
Pennsylvania 11
Quakers 11
Television 11
Architectural drawings 10
France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 10
Household electronics 10
Machine-tools 10
Politicians 10
Public relations 10
Shipbuilding 10
Technology transfer 10
Timetables 10
Vacuum-tubes 10
Wilmington, Del. 10
World War, 1914-1918 10
Advertising campaigns 9
Agreements 9
Automobile industry and trade 9
Chemistry, Organic 9
+ ∧ less
English 1007
French 66
German 4
Italian 2
Du Pont family 178
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company 122
Du Pont de Nemours, Pierre Samuel, 1739-1817 49
Du Pont, Samuel Francis, 1803-1865 30
Pennsylvania Railroad 23
∨ more
Du Pont, Sophie Madeleine, 1810-1888 19
Du Pont, Eleuthère Irénée, 1771-1834 17
RCA Corporation 17
Du Pont, H. A. (Henry Algernon), 1838-1926 16
United States. Navy 15
Du Pont de Nemours, Francoise Robin Poivre, 1748-1841 14
Savery, Thomas H., 1837-1910 13
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Experimental Station 12
Du Pont, Pierre S. (Pierre Samuel), 1870-1954 11
Joseph Bancroft & Sons Co 11
Pusey and Jones Company 11
Du Pont, Victor Marie, 1767-1827 10
Du Pont, Francis Gurney, 1850-1904 9
Du Pont, Henry, 1812-1889 9
Pusey & Jones Corporation 9
Carothers, Wallace Hume, 1896-1937 8
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Textile Fibers Department 8
Longwood Gardens (Kennett Square, Pa.) 8
Crowninshield, Louise du Pont, 1877-1958 7
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Organic Chemicals Department 7
Gilpin, Joshua, 1765-1841 7
Jackson Laboratory (E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company) 7
Philadelphia & Reading Railroad Co 7
Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority 7
Unknown 7
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 6
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Grasselli Chemicals Department 6
General Electric Company 6
Greenewalt, Crawford H., 1902-1993 6
Loewy, Raymond, 1893-1986 6
Manhattan Project (U.S.) 6
Maxim, Hudson, 1853-1927 6
National Association of Manufacturers (U.S.) 6
Young, William, 1755-1829 6
Amtrak 5
Baldwin Locomotive Works 5
Bauduy, Peter, 1769-1833 5
Bauduy, Victorine du Pont, 1792-1861 5
Du Pont, Alfred Victor, 1798-1856 5
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Central Research and Development Department 5
Hanford Engineer Works 5
International Business Machines Corporation 5
Lukens Steel Company 5
Penn Central Transportation Company 5
Radio Corporation of America 5
Smith, Eleuthera du Pont, 1806-1876 5
Sperry Rand (Corporation). Univac Division 5
Staël, Madame de (Anne-Louise-Germaine), 1766-1817 5
Thayer, Horace H., 1878-1959 5
University of Delaware 5
Bradford, Phoebe George, 1794-1840 4
Brandywine Manufacturers Sunday School 4
Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.) 4
Central Railroad of New Jersey 4
DeMirjian, Charles H., 1925-2021 4
Du Pont, Bauduy & Company 4
Du Pont, Irénée, 1876-1963 4
Du Pont, Margaretta Lammot, 1807-1898 4
Du pont, Sophie Dalmas, 1775-1828 4
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Brandywine Works 4
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Development Department 4
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Engineering Department 4
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Executive Committee 4
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Explosives Department 4
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Pioneering Research Laboratory 4
Eddystone Manufacturing Company 4
General Motors Corporation 4
Hagley Museum and Library 4
Krider, John 4
Laird, W. W. (William Winder), 1910-1989 4
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company 4
Massachusetts Institute of Technology 4
May, Sophie du Pont, 1900-2001 4
Reading Company 4
Savery, William H., 1865-1949 4
Singer Manufacturing Company 4
Victor Talking Machine Company 4
William Sellers & Co. (Philadelphia, Pa.) 4
American Iron and Steel Institute 3
American Telephone and Telegraph Company 3
Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company 3
Baughman, James P. 3
Bell Telephone Laboratories 3
Bethlehem Steel Company 3
Bidermann, Evelina du Pont, 1796-1863 3
Brandywine Hundred (Del.) 3
Budd Company 3
Christiana Hundred (Del.) 3
Copeland, Lammot du Pont, 1905-1983 3
Curtis Paper Company 3
David Sarnoff Library 3
Du Pont de Nemours, Pere et Fils & Cie 3
Du Pont, Alexis I. (Alexis Irénée), 1843-1904 3
Du Pont, Alfred I. (Alfred Irénée), 1864-1935 3
Du Pont, Amelia, 1796-1869 3
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