Showing Names: 1 - 50 of 498647
_____, “Alcohol Controls and Scotch Whisky Exports (1870-1939)”, British Journal of Addiction, Vol. 83, pp. 1289-1297., 1988,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Banting: A Biography, pp. 100-101, 252-253., 1984,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Boomtime: Peopling the Canadian Prairies, pp. 51-69, 107-117., 1979,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Booze: The Impact of Whisky on the Prairie West, pp. 69-243., 1972,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Canada - Scotch Type Whisky, pp. 1-30., 1989,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Canada: The Foundations of its Future, with introduction by Samuel Bronfman, pp. 1-7., 1941,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Changes in the Geographical Distribution of the Jewish Population of Metropolitan Montreal in the Decennial Periods from 1901 to 1961 & the Estimated Possible Changes during the Period from 1961 to 1971, pp. 1-6., December 1, 1966,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
December 1, 1966,
_____, “Clarence de Sola and Early Zionism in Canada, 1898-1920”, The Jews of North America, Moses Rischin, ed., pp. 174-193., 1987,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Final Report, 1928
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Henderson's Manitoba and Northwest Territories Gazetteer and Directory, 1905
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, H.M. Caiserman or Yiddish as a Passion, working paper, McGill University, 1989
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, “Immigration and Charity in the Montreal Jewish Community Before 1890”, Social History, Vol. XVI, No. 32, pp. 359-380., November 1983,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
November 1983
_____, “Jewish Pioneer Settlements”, The Beaver,, Autumn 1975
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
Autumn 1975
_____, Jewish Policies and Right-Wing Politics in Imperial Russia, pp. 25-39., 1985,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Jews in Canadian Literature: A Bibliography, pp. 25-28, 42-44, 88-96., 1962,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____ King to Isabella P. Huston, 1855-1946
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
1174, Charles Lukens Huston papers
Charles Lukens Huston
Family Correspondence
Item — Box 104: Series II.
Accession: 1174Identifier: 1174-II.-C.
_____, Lansky, pp. 17-25, 65-71., 1971,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Les relations entre l'Eglise et l'Etat souls Louis-Alexandre Taschereau, pp. 253-273., 1973,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Lillian and Archie Freiman: Biographies, pp. 254-255, 266-269, 276-279, 282-283., 1961,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____ Lowe to JMS, Apr. 25, 1881
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
1631, American Iron and Steel Institute (AI&SI) records
Historical Collections
James M. Swank Letters
File — Box 229: Series IV.
Accession: 1631Identifier: 1631-IV.-B. -1. -64a.
Apr. 25, 1881
_____, “Pioneers, Ploughs and Prayers: The Jewish Farmers of Western Canada”, pp. 3-5., 1982,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, Public and Private Persons: The Ontario Political Culture, pp. 18-43, 68-90., 1975,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, “Rationalization and Diversification in the Scotch Whisky Industry, Another Look at `Old' and `New' Industries”, Economic History Review, 2nd. Ser., Vol. XLII, No.3, pp. 375-395., 1900-1939: 1989,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
1900-1939: 1989
_____, “Recent Developments in Canadian Jewish Historiography”, Canadian Ethnic Studies, XIV,2,82, pp. 114-125., 1982,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, review of Brown, Michael, Jew or Juif? Jews, French-Canadians and Anglo-Canadians,, 1987
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, “Russian Ministers and the Jewish Question, 1881-1917”, California Slavic Studies, Vol. VIII, pp. 15-76., 1975,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, The Accidental Immigrants: Canada and the Interned Refugees, Doctoral Thesis, University of Toronto, pp. 96-139, 372-376, 385., 1983,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, “The Bronfmans Observed”, review of Newman, Peter C., Bronfman Dynasty: The Rothschilds of the New World, Canadian Business,, December 1978
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
December 1978
_____, “The Contours of Canadian Jewish History”, Journal of Canadian Jewish Studies, Vol. 17, No. 4, pp. 46-56., Winter 1982-83,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
Winter 1982-83
_____, “The Jewish Experience in Ontario to 1960”, Patterns of the Past: Interpreting Ontario's History, Roger Hall, William West fall, and Laurel Seton MacDowell, eds., pp. 301-327., 1988,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 6: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, “The Jewish Population of Canada: A Statistical Summary From 1850 to 1943”, American Jewish Year Book, Vol. 48, pp. 19-50., 1946-47,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, The Poet and the Tycoon: The Relationship Between A.M. Klein and Samuel Bronfman, paper presented at the annual meeting of the Jewish Historical Society of Canada, Learned Societies Conference, June 1, 1981
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
June 1, 1981
_____, The Roar of the Twenties, pp. 109-165, 172-173, 225-253, 267-293, 350-353., 1975,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 4: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, “The Schenley Chapter”, The Nation, pp. 428-431., April 5, 1971,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
April 5, 1971,
_____, The Silent Syndicate, pp. 43-58, 93-101, 144-145, 258-259, 266-269., 1967,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
_____, “Wapella Farm Settlement (The First Successful Jewish Farm Settlement in Canada): A Pictorial History”, a paper presented jointly to the Manitoba Historical Society and the Jewish Historical Society of Western Canada, December 15, 1970
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
December 15, 1970
_____, William Lyon Mackenzie King: The Lonely Heights, pp. 32-45, 230-231, 280-295, 432-433., 1963,
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
2173, Seagram Museum collection
Bronfman family
Research materials for Samuel Bronfman: The Life and Times of Seagram's Mr. Sam
Alphabetical Background Research Files
File — Box 5: Series I.
Accession: 2173Identifier: 2173-I.-A.-2.
__chid Barge, 1944 June 13
Found in:
Audiovisual Collections
1980-300, Bethlehem Steel Corporation and Bethlehem Ship Corporation photographs
Bethlehem Ship Corporation division
Baltimore area shipyards
Fairfield Shipyard
File — Box 383: Series XIV., Folder: 9
Accession: 1980-300Identifier: 1980-300-XIV.-A.-ii.
1944 June 13
Found in:
Published Collections
20100108-ZTV, Z. Taylor Vinson collection of transportation ephemera
Published collections
File — Volume XIV-1: Series XIV.
Accession: 20100108-ZTVIdentifier: 20100108-ZTV-XIV.-B.
1860-2011; Majority of material found within 1893-2009
0-140: Operative Committee, 1908-1910
File — Box 9: Series IV.; Series V.; Series VI.
Accession: 2091Identifier: 2091-V.
0-150: Trademark (oval), 1909
File — Box 9: Series IV.; Series V.; Series VI.
Accession: 2091Identifier: 2091-V.
0. Cazenove, undated
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
WMSS-VII, E.I. du Pont's sons' papers
Henry du Pont and his wife, Louisa Gerhard, papers
Henry du Pont papers
Inbound correspondence
File — Box 10: Series II.
Accession: WMSS-VIIIdentifier: WMSS-VII-II.-A.-ii.
#1, 1899
Found in:
Manuscripts and Archives
0500-I, E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company nineteenth century records
General accounts
Petit ledgers
File — Volume 1021: Series II.
Accession: 0500-IIdentifier: 0500-I-II.-D.-2.
#1, undated
File — Box AVD63: Series IV.
Accession: 2464-55Identifier: 2464-55-IV.-B.
Scope and Contents note:
Film Transfer-Sarnoff receives key to Tokyo, Discussed on NBC-TV's Today Show by Author Eugene Lyons. In Interview with Hugh Downs covering highlights of career of Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff, Message-From Brig. Gen. David Sarnoff to Golden Achievement Birthday Dinner (New York). "David Sarnoff Story"-As prepared by Life Magazine and presented at the Golden Achievement Birthday Dinner,
1 + 1 + 1, 1969
Found in:
Audiovisual Collections
1995-300, DuPont Company films and commercials
Company history, product information, and training films
File — Film Can 182, 183: Series II.
Accession: 1995-300Identifier: 1995-300-II.
Scope and Contents note:
E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. Produced by Henry Strauss, New York. Recruitment film for E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Company. Includes scenes of original DuPont mills at Hagley property in Wilmington, Delaware; laboratories; model making for plant design; and an executive committee in discussion.
1 + 1 + 1 brochure
Found in:
Audiovisual Collections
1995-300, DuPont Company films and commercials
Company history, product information, and training films
File — Box 16: Series I.; Series II.; Series III.; Series IV.; Series VIII., Folder: 7
Accession: 1995-300Identifier: 1995-300-II.
1950-1999; bulk 1963-1989