Box 4
Contains 33 Results:
Du Pont family voyage detailed account of expenses, from La Rochelle to the United States, 1799-1800
Lists detailed purchases of food and provisions, traveling and lodging expenses, and other details about the voyage.
Victor Marie du Pont's company share record of transfer, 1817 January 1
Transferred to E.I. du Pont of his right in the share held by their father in E.I. du Pont de Nemours & Co.
Victor Marie du Pont memorials and depositions concerning the role of E.I. du Pont in the Delaware election, 1813
Includes drafts and copies. Election held October 1, 1813 in Wilmington, Delaware.
Declaration of discharge of debt issued to Victor Marie du Pont, 1810 May 31
Includes a list in du Pont's hand of his creditors and their claims.
Victor Marie du Pont household and personal accounts, “Book of Family Expenses”, 1811-1814
Covers time period when when du Pont family moved into the house, Louviers; includes expenses for housekeeping, clothing, schooling for his children, servants' wages, and du Pont's business expenses arising from the care of sheep, Kentucky lands, the powder factory, the cotton mill -- Du Planty, McCall, & Co., and his steamboat shares.
Translation of family cipher - a correspondence code used by the du Pont family, circa 1804
Théophile Cazenove letter to Paul Busti, agent of the Holland Land Co., concerning Victor du Pont and the purchase of land in America, 1806
An early poem dedicated to his father, undated
A mock "Arrêt du conseil” for a proposed ball, signed "Victor", 1787 January 3
"Sur les Impots Indirects," address on indirect taxation to be delivered before the National Assembly (not recorded in the proceedings, Le Moniteur universel, 7 Nov 1790) - Possibly a draft for his father in connection with one of the committees of the Assemblée Nationale Constituante of which Du Pont de Nemours was then a member, 1790 November 5
"Précis de l’éloge de Franklin," from the eulogy of the Rev. William Smith published as Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin LL.D. delivered March 1, 1791, in the German Lutheran Church of the City of Philadelphia before the American Philosophical Society, and agreeably to their appointment, by William Smith, D.D..., 1792
“The Turnpike,” manuscript book containing a collection of light verse/satire written during or to commemorate a trip by du Pont and S. Felix Monredon, annotated by du Pont on the building of a road somewhere along the Brandywine, undated
Receipt and notes on payment due the heirs of a deceased soldier, undated
Jacques Necker correspondence, 1801 July
"Propositions faites au Gouvernement par la Maison Du Pont de Nemours, Père et Fils & Cie A New York," memorandum , 1801
Contains proposals to the French government that the firm act as a commercial agent in America.
Power of attorney of Victor Marie du Pont to his partners in Du Pont de Nemours, Père et Fils & Cie, 1801
"Acte d’association d'une manufacture de Poudre de guerre et de chasse dans les Etats Unis d'Amérique," copies of articles of agreement and association for E.I. du Pont's powder factory, 1801 October 9
Signed in Paris, 17 Vendémiaire An X.
Articles of agreement between du Pont de Nemours, Père et Fils & Cie, E.I. du Pont, and Peter Bauduy, 1802 August 25
French government's decree concerning matters between Louis André Pichon and Victor Marie du Pont, newspaper clipping, 1807
Jean Baptiste Orsèle to Pichon report, undated
Concerning an expedition to Veracruz to recover French funds.
Raphael DuPlanty accounts, 1805-1808
Records of sales, receipts, invoices, promissory notes, and bills of exchange
Apprentices contracts, 1820
Richard S. Smith and Francis Gurney Smith bond for $25,000 from Victor Marie and E.I. du Pont, 1822
Fabricating black cloth cost estimates , undated
Emmanuel, Maréchal de Grouchy draft, 1819
Accounts, bills, and receipts
Letter to son, Charles I. du Pont, 1834
Letters to Eleuthère Irénée du Pont, 1801-1817
Letter to Sophie (Dalmas) du Pont (Madame E. I. du Pont), 1794
Raphael Du Planty letter to Madame Victor du Pont, 1809
C[atherine] Cruger letter to an unidentified person mentioning Madame du Pont and a recent explosion at the Du Pont mills, circa 1818
Bertram P. Cruger and Moses L. Moses correspondence , 1806-1814
Concerning land in Kentucky and New York.