Tour of Pale Fire Brewery with Ben Trumbo, 2016 February 11
Part of collection: Beer and craft brewing oral history interviews (2016-287)
- Creation: 2016 February 11
Biographical Note
Ben Trumbo (1983- ) is Lead Brewer at Pale Fire Brewing Company. A native of Botetourt County, Virginia, Trumbo studied religion at the University of Virginia before entering into the craft brewing industry at Six Row Brewing of St. Louis, Missouri. When looking for opportunities in Virginia, Trumbo learned of the opening at Pale Fire Brewing Company and was hired as their Lead Brewer.
Scope and Contents note
This interview took place in the brewery of Pale Fire Brewing Company in Harrisonburg, Virginia, during a specially-arranged tour of the facility located at 217 South Liberty Street #105 Harrisonburg, Virginia. Lead Brewer Ben Trumbo walks through the brewing process, discussing the equipment, ingredients, and processes involved in running a successful craft brewery. [ID: Brewey_Tour_2_11_16].
General Physical Description note
1 WAV File. TRT 00:52:08.
From the Collection: 23.6 Gigabytes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Additional Description
Access Restrictions
This collection is open for research.
Related Names
- Trumbo, Ben, 1983- (Person)
- From the Collection: Hagley Museum and Library. Library. Oral History Project Office (Organization)
- From the Collection: Hargreaves, Gregory (staff) (Interviewer, Person)
Repository Details
Repository Details
Part of the Audiovisual Collections Repository